
How Many Watts Does A Dreamstation Cpap Use

Battery Functioning of CPAP Devices for Sleep Apnea Treatment, Part 2: A battery backup organization for use with CPAP handling

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Battery Performance of CPAP Devices for Sleep Apnea Treatment, Part

Battery Performance of CPAP Devices for Sleep Apnea Treatment, Role 3--Very Technical Notes

by Jerry Halberstadt with Gary Collins, Charles Woodson; and Shane Finn and others at ResMed.

Very technical notes

Questions, answers, and bug

How much electricity volition the CPAP draw?

You should ask your manufacturer how many amps your unit draws at your prescribed pressure level at 115 VAC. You and so need to figure out the draw in amperes at 12 volts (the actual voltage may vary from 10 to 12.7 volts). To figure the current required by your unit at 12 Volts, see the Technical Notes below.

At a ten cm water pressure setting a CPAP which draws two.5 amps would demand twenty amp-hours in eight hours. Therefore, the bombardment should be at least 35-twoscore ampere hours to support ane night of sleep.

At a xx cm h2o pressure setting a CPAP which draws 4.5 amps would demand 36 amp-hours in viii hours. Therefore, the battery should be at to the lowest degree 54-72 ampere hours to support one dark of slumber.

Respironics units would crave a 30-40 amp-hour bombardment for ii nights; such a battery weighs about 20 pounds.

The truthful current draw of your CPAP can exist measured using an ammeter. Or guess information technology based on Shane Finn'south note beneath, that is, take half the ability figure stated in VA and yous have guess watts. Divide the wattage by 12 volts to become the guess ampere draw of your inverter. Multiply the ampere depict of your inverter by the number of hours y'all plan to use information technology, then multiply once more past 1.5 or 2 for a reserve factor.

Example: ResMed Sullivan III device rated at 80VA. 80*0.5=40 watts. 40 watts divided by 12 volts=3.33 amperes drawn by the inverter. 8 hours * iii.33 = 27 amp-hour rating. For a reserve cistron, utilize ane.5 * 27= forty amp-hour rating of the battery. To be even more conservative, compute the inverter current assuming 10 volts: forty watts divided by ten volts = 4 amperes drawn by the inverter. For 8 hours, we need a 32 amp-60 minutes battery and for a reserve, a factor of two gives a 64 amp-hour battery. A 95 ampere-hour battery should give ample electricity for two nights without recharging, perhaps if i sleeps six hours the battery could last for three nights. 3*6*4=72 amp/hrs--within the capacity of the battery.

1/ To calculate battery current:

where Einv is the efficiency of the inverter ability conversion; usually effectually 90% = 0.9

where Vbatt is the bombardment voltage plateau; often 11V but if y'all don't know utilize 10V and be conservative

where Vcpap is the mains voltage at which the Icpap current is measured; 115V unremarkably may be substituted

where Icpap is the current drawn past the CPAP device at Vcpap

where PFcpap is the power factor converion from VA to watts; most probably 0.five

where Ibatt is the current that volition exist fatigued from your bombardment by the CPAP through the inverter

Ibatt = (Vcpap / Icpap * PFcpap) / Vbatt / Einv

If y'all have the CPAP need in watts, substitute that number for the bit in brackets which is calculating watts from the other information. The formula then becomes:

where Pcpap is the CPAP device power need

Ibatt = Pcpap / Vbatt / Einv

Note: the equations are read left to correct as if they were being typed on a calculator.

Example B: Sullivan 3 rated at 80VA at 115 VAC How many watts does it need?

more probable, 80VA * 0.v = 40 watts

What is the CPAP device power demand?

Ibatt = 40/ Vbatt / Einv


2/ What kind of voltmeter do I demand for checking the output from the inverter? My Fluke Multimeter just gives a reading of 91VAC from the inverter.

A truthful Root Mean Square (RMS) reading voltmeter is needed to check the output voltage of 115 volts. Other meters may read low because they are calibrated for a sine wave output. The inverter uses average sensing for voltage control and and so you will meet some modify in the RMS readings during utilize. You lot should come across the RMS voltage ascension after during the bombardment belch, even though the average voltage won't accept changed. Nonetheless, the most important parameter of the inverter output voltage is not the average or RMS value but the summit voltage (which tin simply be measured using a CRO). Comments on a 91V inverter output reading...Nigh Fluke multimeters are true RMS so the reading is probably correct.

3/ Volition I have enough power to run a heated humidifier?

Heated humidifiers are not uniform with most types of inverters, and such use is likely to consequence in burning out the humidifier heating element.

WARNING: Do not use an inverter power source to run a heated humidifier.

Technical caption, adjusted from information supplied by Shane Finn at ResMed: Humidfiers use a triac or thyristor to regulate the power by turning on partway through each mains cycle. The controller assumes the mains voltage is sinusoidal. However, inverters generally do non provide a true sinusoidal output, thus the controllers brand incorrect decisions and crusade the humidfier to deliver full ability continuously, and may burn down out the heating chemical element. Another, more intelligent type of controller is termed an integral bicycle controller or burst controller, and would provide full ability in brusk bursts. However, we know of no heated humidifier using this type of controller.

4/ I have a ResMed Sullivan III CPAP and will only use the battery fill-in system a couple of times a year, either during a ability failure or to become camping. Can I use a unit which is less expensive than the Radio Shack inverter canonical past ResMed?

For your occasional usage the inverter should be OK if you want to utilize it, or have problems powering your humidifier. I have never heard of that particular inverter and cannot endorse it but your usage is short and so it shouldn't thing. [This may not be true for another type of CPAP since their designs may differ.]

5/ How much electricity does my CPAP actually utilize? Use Ohm'south law

Short answers

Short answer one: Ask your CPAP manufacturer. Curt reply 2: if there is a VA rating, divide by two to get the value in watts at the rated voltage. Curt answer 3: Probably four amps or less. And so encounter short answer ane! For the long reply, see beneath.

Long answers for electricians: Ohm's law

The VA rating on the CPAPs means Volt-Amperes. It implies that the machine is not a resistive load and the current is out of phase with the voltage. That is not an ideal load. It is some magnitude of a circuitous capacitive/ inductive load. That is why it is complex to predict how much it will draw from the battery. The inverter is as well a complex load, just it really appears equally a DC load to the current meter and the meter averages the load. The inverter actually draws current in very high current pulses only the averaging of the meter makes it appear that current is less because the current is averaged with respect to time. In other words if the actual depict pulse is 16 amps at a 50% duty cycle the meter will read 8 amps. If y'all increase that to a 75% duty wheel the meter will read 12 amps.

The formulas you lot are working with are substantially Ohm's constabulary and the power formulas. The basic ones are: I=E/R transposed that would exist R=Eastward/I or E=IR. This is truthful for DC circuits. The symbols beingness: I=electric current in Amperes, Due east=voltage in volts, and R for resistance in Ohms.

Added to this you have the power formulas with P being ability

in Watts. They are: I=sqrt(P/R) or I=P/E, R=Eastward/I or R=E^ii, (the ^ symbol is used for raised to the second power or squared Information technology's difficult to show an exponent notation on the cyberspace).

The 3rd formula is

P=(I^2)(R) or P=EI or P=E^two/R.

Ac gets considerably more complicated. Essentially nosotros are concerned with the DC consumption from the battery. The rating on your CPAP is in Volt Amperes that includes a factor called impedance which roughly corresponds with resistance in DC. I know this sounds complicated and it is. The reason in part, that your current draw from the battery is somewhat out of line with the measured power existence drawn by the CPAP is that the current in a excursion with large capacitors leads the voltage by ninety degrees. In big inductance circuits the current lags the voltage by ninety degrees. Don't let this confuse you. You are actually concerned simply with the current draw from the battery. When the CPAP is drawing current from the inverter it never sees DC, patently...

So if you lot got all that what I am saying is... Once you have your battery and inverter set up, the all-time fashion to calculate your fill-in fourth dimension is to have the total electric current draw measured with an Amp meter in serial between one lead of the inverter and the terminal of the battery. That will give you the electric current in Amperes. This value divided into the Amp-60 minutes rating of the battery volition give yous the total hours you can expect from the battery. The value will of class be approximate and depend on the accuse condition of the battery the temperature the lower the temperature the lower the voltage will be and the battery will last somewhat longer. If the temperature is college the voltage will be higher and the bombardment may discharge sooner. College temps also mean the internal leakage of the bombardment will be higher. The danger with cold is that as the battery discharges in that location volition exist danger of it freezing if the temp is low enough. This is considering the sulfuric acid gets more than and more dilute equally the battery discharges and more h2o is relesed by the chemical reaction. You are correct in maxim as the CPAP pressure increases the current consumption increases. That is one reason I stressed, measure the current.

6/ How practice I select an inverter?

Get this information direct from the manufacturer of your CPAP device, or a home intendance visitor representing them. Protect your equipment and your warranty!

An inverter for CPAP needs a peak power rating of effectually 200W to provide the ability to offset the power supply and motor; the running consumption of the CPAP is 40 watts or less. Bi-level and smart, automatic pressure setting devices may require more. For example, ResMed VPAP products crave a peak ability rating of around 400 watts, about double their CPAP products. ResMed reports that probably any inverter will be acceptable for occasional utilise with ResMed products--less than a calendar week during i twelvemonth. Longer use risks causing impairment to the CPAP device. Nevertheless, of 30 inverter products tested, merely ii were approved for long term utilize (more one week/year) with their CPAP products.

ResMed has approved the Radio Shack Portable Power Inverter, Cat. #22-132A $99.99 for employ with ResMed Sullivan CPAP devices. It accepts input from 10-15 VDC and produces 115VAC/60Hz; delivers 200 West for 5 minutes, 140 W continuously, with about a 90% efficiency. Protects against output short circuit, overheating, over power, low battery close down @ 10 V; output on/off switch. Weight: fifteen oz (425 g). The bombardment input is through a cigarette lighter plug (provided); yous will also need to purchase an adapter that accept the lighter plug on 1 cease and the other end has battery clamps (red is marked + to match the positive pole of the bombardment).


If you accept a ResMed CPAP, don't rely on this data until you confirm information technology yourself with ResMed. If you accept a CPAP device fabricated past another manufacturer, go their specific recommendations.

Other inverters, if approved past your CPAP manufacturer, may offer additional convenience and safety features.

Technical note on commercial UPS and standby sytems:

The low price systems exercise non produce a true sinewave waveshape, therefore caution should be exercised in matching the UPS system to the CPAP, and usage kept to a minimum. Extra filtering in the UPS system is not needed since the CPAP has built-in filtering. UPS products may produce interference with radio and TV reception, since they are not required to meet the same standards equally medical products.

Gel-filled batteries

A gel filled, sealed battery would cost much more than a atomic number 82-acrid battery, however information technology would simplify maintenance and safety procedures. If you can afford the luxury of a gel battery, a 38AH battery weighing 31 pounds costs about $140. You wouldn't take to worry most adding h2o or spills. The big reward of gel batterys is that they don't leak because they are sealed. All the same, their discharge electric current is lower than liquid acrid batterys because they can't go rid of the hydrogen and oxygen they generate. They must also be charged slower. They may require a dissimilar setting for the charger and a manufacturer or competing marine batteries suggests that gelled cells may not be suitable for deep cycle employ.

Phantom Sleep Periodical: Battery Operation of CPAP Devices for Sleep Apnea Treatment

  • Introduction
  • Part 1--Why bother with a back-up organization? Alternative and backup power supplies. by Jerry Halberstadt with Gary Collins, Charles Woodson, and Lawton Mullin; and Shane Finn and others at ResMed. Why bother with a back-up system? Alternative and backup power supplies.
  • Function 2-- A battery fill-in organization
  • Part 3-- Very Technical Notes
  • B Role 4 -- Prophylactic Warnings
  • Dave Buscher: Sleeping With My CPAP in the M Canyon


The technical information which helped me create my battery support arrangement and this newsletter is based on correspondence with CPAP users: Gary Collins, Charles Woodson, and Lawton Mullins; and Shane Finn and others at ResMed ResMed Dwelling Page . Their materials are used with permission. Gary lives on a mountainside and is plagued by frequent power outages. His electrical cognition and creativity have been important inputs for this article. Charles enjoys camping and travel and is able to use his car battery while he sleeps. Lawton is adamant to savor his canoe camping trips. I appreciate the advice and information provided to me just warn the reader not to rely solely on this information. Reference has been made to manuals of manufacturers including Schumacher, Power-to-Get, RadioShack, and EverStart, and to Phantom of the Night.

Dave Buscher, graciously contributed the article "Sleeping with My CPAP in the Grand Canyon." The excellent photographs were contributed by his sons, Mike Buscher and Steve Buscher.


This document provides information merely. The reader is warned that he/she is solely responsible for any apply fabricated of this information. Making, installing, and using a battery backup arrangement can harm CPAP equipment, or may cause personal injury, fire, or explosion. Therefore, the services of a qualified electrician should be used. The Safety Warnings are part of this document and should exist read together with it.

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Bombardment Operation of CPAP Devices for Sleep Apnea Handling

  • Introduction
  • Sleeping With My CPAP in the Grand Canyon by Dave Buscher
  • Part 1--Why bother with a back-up system? Alternative and backup power supplies. by Jerry Halberstadt and others.
  • Part 2-- A battery backup arrangement
  • Part 3-- Very Technical Notes
  • Function iv -- SAFETY WARNINGS!
  • Office 5 New applied science 2007-- Phantom Slumber Newsletter: Portable & Reliable CPAP Power for Travel
  • Sleep Apnea Newsletter & Blog-- Sleep Apnea Newsletter & Weblog Articles


Making, installing, and using a battery backup organization tin damage CPAP equipment, or may crusade personal injury, fire, or explosion. Therefore, consult with your physician, home care company, and/or the manufacturer of your CPAP earlier you start. The services of a qualified electrician should be used. The Safety Warnings are role of this document and should be read together with it. This document provides information only. The reader is solely responsible for whatever use made of this information.


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How Many Watts Does A Dreamstation Cpap Use,


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