
My Heart Runneth Over Meaning


What does information technology mean that my cup runneth over?

my cup runneth over audio


The phrase my cup runneth over is the Rex James Version's diction of Psalm 23:5. Other versions say "my cup overflows." A cup runs over when it cannot hold all that is being poured into it. The accent of Psalm 23 is the Good Shepherd's loving care for His sheep (cf. John 10:eleven, xiv). The Lord not only gives His people what they need (Psalm 23:i–two), just He supplies affluence in the midst of hard times (poetry 5). This abundance is not limited to material blessings under the Former Covenant, but information technology also includes the Holy Spirit's time to come outpouring upon all who ask (Luke 11:xiii; Acts 2:ane–4).

The Bible emphasizes the excessive dear, blessing, and power that God desires to pour out on those who love Him (Malachi three:10; Lamentations 3:22; Psalm 108:iv). Jesus reflected God'south generosity when He said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly" (John 10:x). Paul continues that theme in Ephesians iii:20 and describes God as the One "who is able to do immeasurably more than than all we inquire or imagine." Romans 8:37 promises that we are "more than conquerors through Him who loves united states." The message echoed in each passage is that of God'southward excessive grace and provision for every expanse of our lives. He is not stingy, nor are His blessings bars to temporal things. In Christ we can have overflowing joy, flood beloved, and flood peace. Nosotros tin bear everlasting fruit for God's kingdom, and we can overcome impossible challenges when the Holy Spirit fills our hearts until our "loving cup runneth over."

The Bible records many mighty things washed when people were filled with (i.e., controlled by) the Holy Spirit (Exodus 31:two–3; Ezekiel 43:five; Luke 1:67; Acts 4:31). We are urged to be filled with the Spirit too (Ephesians 5:eighteen; Galatians 5:16, 25). Nonetheless, as a glass cannot be filled with milk if information technology is already filled with mud, we cannot be filled with the Spirit when we are already filled with sin, pride, or cocky-will. Before we can exist filled to alluvion, nosotros must exist willing to empty ourselves of everything that would hinder the Spirit's working in our lives. It is merely when our hearts are filled with God that we can accomplish all He desires to do in and through the states. His grace knows no limits for those whose hearts are wholly His (two Chronicles 16:9a). He desires to fill the states with His Spirit until our cup runneth over.

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What does it mean that my loving cup runneth over?

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